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Lucy is a hard-partying, 25-year-old American woman living and studying in Taipei, Taiwan. She is tricked to work as a drug mule by her new boyfriend for His employer, a Korean gangster and drug lord named Mr. Jang. Lucy delivers a briefcase to Mr. Jang's hotel room that is handcuffed to her wrist containing a highly Valuable synthetic Superdrug Called CPH4 that can increase the user's brain function capacity. The packaged drug is sewn into Lucy's abdomen and that of others who will also transport the drug for sales in Europe. While in captivity, one of Lucy's captors mercilessly kicks her in the stomach, causing the bag inside her to leak, releasing the brain-enhancing drug into her system. As a result, she begins Acquiring increasingly powerful mental talents and enhanced physical capabilities, Such as absorbing information instantaneously, telekinesis, mental time travel, and can Choose not to feel pain or other discomforts, in addition to other abilities. Superhuman powers growing with her, Lucy has only a short amount of time left to find the men responsible for her new-found powers and a Well-Known contacts scientist and doctor, Professor Norman, whose research has be the key to saving her.
After Lucy speaks with the professor, she flies to Paris and contacts a local policeman, Del Rio, to help her find the remaining three packets of the drug. Her powers continue to grow, leaving her able to mentally disable an entire police force followed by the men who made her a drug mule. Lucy recovers the drug and must hurry to meet the doctor, with whom she agrees to share everything she knows now, once dmg each cell in her body is controlled.