The Boxtrolls is a 2014 American 3D stop motion animated fantasy-comedy film based on the novel Here Be Monsters! by Alan Snow. Produced by Laika, it was directed by Graham Annable and Anthony Stacchi. The Boxtrolls Follows the adventures of Eggs, a human boy raised by trash-collecting trolls, as he attempts to save Them from Archibald Snatcher, a pest exterminator. The film stars Isaac Hempstead-Wright, Ben Kingsley, Elle Fanning, Toni Collette, Jared Harris, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Richard Ayoade and Tracy Morgan. [5] It was released on September 26, 2014, to Generally positive reviews.
In the European town of Cheesebridge, rumors abound that Subterranean trolls Known as Boxtrolls kidnap and kill young children. Archibald Snatcher strikes a deal with Lord Portley-Rind, offering to exterminate every Boxtroll in exchange for membership in the White Hats, a group of cheese-loving aristocrats led by Lord Portley-Rind that serves as the town council.
The Boxtrolls prove to be peaceful creatures, wearing cardboard boxes, who emerge from underground at night to scavenge through the trash for items They can use to make inventions. A baby boy named Eggs Them our lives, cared for by a Boxtroll named Fish. As Eggs grows up over a period of ten years, he becomes dismayed over the Disappearing Boxtrolls Snatcher's due to capture of them.
Lord Portley-Rind's neglected daughter Winnie grows frustrated and being ignored His white hat and throws out a window. Leaving the house to retrieve it, she sees Eggs rummaging through trash with two Boxtrolls. Snatcher and his men chase and capture the trio Fish. Devastated, Eggs puts together a disguise and sneaks back up to the surface to find him. Eggs emerges in the midst of an annual fair to commemorate the disappearance of the Trubshaw Baby eleven years earlier - presumably Kidnapped and killed by Boxtrolls. Disgusted by the town's inaccurate portrayal of the creatures, He Follows Winnie away from the fair. She recognizes him as the boy she saw the previous night and directs him to Snatcher's headquarters, an abandoned factory.
Sneaking into the factory, Fish Eggs finds locked in a cage and frees him. Meanwhile, Snatcher holds a cheese tasting with His henchmen, Mr. Gristle, Mr. Trout, and Mr. Pickles, as preparation for Becoming a White Hat but, seemingly having no sense of irony, suffers a severe allergic reaction that causes grotesque swelling. Fish eggs and try to sneak out of the factory only to be caught by Mr. Gristle. Eggs Snatcher recognizes as the Trubshaw Baby and reveals that all the captured Boxtrolls are still alive and building a machine. Winnie overhears this exchange, having followed Eggs to the factory. They Both escape from Fish Snatcher and take shelter in the Boxtrolls' underground cavern.
Winnie is surprised to learn the truth about the Boxtrolls, Eggs and convinces that he is not one of them. His father had given him to Them as a baby in order to keep him safe from Snatcher. Winnie agrees to help Eggs Portley-Rind tell the truth. And a ball that night, held to commemorate the purchase of a giant cheese wheel, Eggs tries to confront Portley-Rind. He narrowly avoids capture by a disguised Snatcher, but inadvertently knocks the cheese down the stairs so that it rolls into a river. Eggs announces himself to the crowd as the Trubshaw Baby, but no one believes him and Lord Portley-Rind throws him out in a fury over losing His beloved cheese.
Eggs returns to the cavern and tries to persuade the remaining Boxtrolls that They need to flee for their own safety. Snatcher digs into the cavern using His machine, captures the entire group, and Takes Them back to the factory. Eggs, Imprisoned in a cage in the basement, awakens to find His real father, Herbert Trubshaw - captured years ago by Snatcher and held prisoner ever since - hanging upside down next to him. He sees the Boxtrolls stacked in a crusher and begs Them to run, but the crusher activates and flattens all the boxes.
Snatcher Drives His machine to Lord Portley-Rind's house, shows him the flattened boxes as proof of the Boxtrolls' deaths, and demands Portley-Rind's white hat once he kills the last one (actually Eggs dressed up as a Boxtroll). Winnie persuades Mr. Trout and Mr. Pickles to redeem themselves by not killing Eggs. The Boxtrolls Suddenly arrive with Herbert, having sneaked out of their boxes just before the crusher activated, and free Eggs. An infuriated Snatcher tries to take Portley-Rind's hat by force, but Eggs, Herbert, and the Boxtrolls disable the machine. Snatcher and eggs are thrown clear and land on the giant cheese wheel, freshly fished out of the river. Snatcher swells into a giant and forces Hideous Lord Portley-Rind to give up His hat in exchange for Winnie's safety. Snatcher triumphantly enters the cheese tasting room, but unconcerned about His allergy, explodes after taking one bite of a rare cheese.
The townspeople no longer see the Boxtrolls as monsters and come to live Peacefully with them. Winnie ŢĖŁŀŞ the tale of Snatcher's end to a crowd of people, while Fish Eggs and drive off in one of Herbert's contraptions.