In 2028, multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of military "robot soldier" technology, supplying the US Military with mechanical men that are used overseas. OmniCorp wants to sell their products for use in civilian law enforcement in the United States but public opinion, embodied by the Dreyfus Act, prevents this. OmniCorp CEO Raymond Sellars (Michael Keaton) asks his marketing team, in conjunction with scientist Dr. Dennett Norton (Gary Oldman), to create a new law enforcement product by combining man and machine that he believes can be "sold" to the American public. They begin looking for a permanently injured policeman to act as the core of their prototype.
Policeman Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) and his partner, Jack Lewis (Michael K. Williams), attempt to arrest crime boss Antoine Vallon (Patrick Garrow), unaware that he has contacts inside the DPD. When Lewis is hospitalized and Alex is nearly killed after Vallon has a bomb planted in his car, Norton picks Alex for the RoboCop program and, with consent from Alex's wife, Clara (Abbie Cornish), has him outfitted with the RoboCop body and software.
Genres: Action, Crime, Sci-Fi
Released Date: February 12, 2014
Duration: 117 minutes
Director: Jose Padilha
Distributors: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Columbia Pictures