The story features a 17-year-old Dhampir (half-human/vampire) guardian-in-training Rose Hathaway, and her royal Moroi (the peaceful, mortal vampires) best friend Lissa Dragomir living discreetly within our world, and had escaped from their boarding school St. Vladimir's Academy two years prior to the story. They are soon dragged back to the Academy and rediscovering the dangerous hierarchy within it, along with lies, rumors and secrets. Rose starts to form an attraction to her Russian Dhampir mentor, Dimitri Belikov. The two best friends begin to realize that the threat of the Strigoi (bloodthirsty, undead vampires) is bigger than ever.
Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy Released Date: February 7, 2014 Duration: 104 minutes Director: Mark Waters Distributor: The Weinstein Company